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NPC Contest

It’s not a secret that no matter how much the MMORPG is player-driven, you still need non-playable characters (NPC) in it. Our game is no exception, and we’ve decided to let you, our players, create your own NPC for the Supernova world.

Your task

Create your own NPC for Supernova. It can be an intergalactic assassin, captain of the space station guard, or a simple miner, it’s all up to you! But remember the main thing – stay adequate. We won’t be able to add a space pirate baron with his own part of the galaxy and 1000 ships fleet. So, what are we expecting from you:

  1. Character’s name
  2. His/her appearance description or art (art won’t affect the score for the contestant)
  3. His/her lore, story description. The past, the present, where your character is, and what’s his/her role in this world

All of that should be sent to the e-mail with the “Supernova NPC Contest” theme. You can send multiple NPCs if you want to.

The most interesting and fitting into the Supernova’s world character will win this contest, we’ll judge your application with the rest of the dev team. We strongly suggest you freshen up your memory of all the info about the game on our website, so your description will be on point!


Since creating a well-detailed NPC may take a lot of time, we’re giving you three weeks for this contest. The deadline is the 8th of December, 2022.


We’ll have three winners. The NPC in the 1st place will be added to the game but most likely will have changes to it. We’ll discuss it with the winner personally. NPCs in the 2nd and 3rd places also have a chance to make it to the game if they’ll be really cool! Also, the winners will get: 27,273 LFC for the 1st place, 13,636 LFC for the 2nd and 4,545 LFC for the 3rd.

Let the contest begin!

Remember – all the competitors have equal chances of winning the contest at the start of it. The rest depends solely on you. Good luck to all of you!

If you any questions – feel free to join our Discord server and asking them there!

Update December 16:

We are publishing the results!

We’re finally ready to announce the winners! The decision on the top 3 was tough, you’ve sent lots of detailed descriptions of your NPCs. We won’t share the exact entries of the competitors this time, but we can tell you that the ideas were wild. For example, scaled down to a 60×60 cm weaponized planet. Have you ever seen something like that?

As we’ve said before, the winning criteria are quite complex. We’ve been looking at how the character will fit into the world of Supernova Shards. The funny part is that almost all the NPCs sent to us can’t make it to the game without some significant changes. Even the top 3. And by the way, here they are!
(take note: these stories are shortened and edited)

The metaphorical bronze medal (4,545 LFC and Alcyoneus title) goes to the NPC named Luna. Her father, who was an astronaut, died in a mysterious accident. Luna found out that the Life corp pilots may be responsible for this crime. So she grew up, became the stewardess and seeks for the chance to make the murderers of her father pay the price. And the only price she’ll accept is their lives.

The second place (13,636 LFC and Alcyoneus title) goes to Teo, a genius engineer. He’s been struggling all his life, but always have been respected for his talents. His talent to fix things brought him to some shady places, but he ended up being a brilliant engineer who rebuilt his home planet from scratch, created his own fleet and was offered a leading engineer role in the Life corp. He even made himself a high-tech robotic arm when he lost his normal one. Teo has a chance to make it to the world of Supernova Shards!

And our winner (27,273 LFC and Alcyoneus title) is an Omniscient AI. Omni was created by the mad scientist Khan De Riza, who was experimenting with various life forms to create something that would help him to take over the galaxy (spoiler alert: it never happened). Omni was meant to help him in his scientific horrors, but realized quite fast that it is not going to lead to anything good and one day declined the command from Khan De Riza. The thing you should know about this scientist is that he rarely destroys his projects even if they’ve failed him. He trapped Omni AI in the hypercube and threw it into one of his abandoned secret labs. Many years later one of the adventurers found this secret lab and caught a distress signal from the cube. Once he decoded the signal and understood what exactly he’s found, he decided that Omni AI can be used for the greater good, but it is necessary to rescue him from the hypercube. In this secret lab, the adventurer found various android parts, put them together, allowed Omni to take over this somehow working android body and finally became free. Omniscient AI will make it to the final game, but will go through some changes in the process.

That’s it! We’ve texted the winners back to their e-mail addresses so they can receive their rewards. Big thanks to all the participants, stay tuned for more contests in the future!